Redefining Capitalism and Socialism, and Building a More Perfect Union:

Billy Norris
7 min readJan 27, 2021


Our American Community

The word “socialism” is being used like a grenade, intentionally creating a climate of fear, so people will vote against their best interest.

I am pulling back the curtain.

There is nothing there to fear.


We are dedicated to the truth “that each of us are Created equal and endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights including Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”. We are also each endowed with abilities and resources. I call these “gifts”.

Each person (including corporations) has abilities and resources to bring to Life daily.

Such gifts include physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual abilities and resources. One can be adept at raising children, caring for others, praying, carpentry, welding, painting, plumbing, hauling, cooking, creating, listening, and empathizing; working with money, land, and resources responsibly; making music, laughter, art, and so on. There are as many combinations and variations of gifts, as there are people.

When gifts are compared, such as comparing abilities with cooking, to welding I-beams 500 feet in the air, to cleaning casino restrooms to a sparkle, or to using money responsibly, we see vast differences among us. Differences are neutral. The idea one’s gifts are superior to those of another is false. Indulging in comparison can bind one’s mind in a cage, with limited possibilities, and limitless isolation. Money dominates our world in some ways, but it is not where real power lies. Real power is in simply bringing to Life, daily, what is ours to bring.

Encouraging each other is free, and freedom is calling. Each of us is an entrepreneur. What we do with our gifts is the essence of human freedom. Each of us needs the opportunity and responsibility to reflect our Creator. Are we bringing our gifts to the daily potluck banquet called Life? Each of us has gifts. These are our personal capital. We are entrepreneurs. We have personal opportunities and responsibilities.

Communities and Government:

When groups, of any size, decide to create possibilities, amenities, and necessities that do not exist; and/or to organize, maintain, or control what does exist, they become a community. When communities outgrow the simpler processes of smaller groups, a government may be formed. Members of the community may be chosen and held responsible to make and implement decisions. Government does not exist separate from the community. It represents the voice and authority of the community. Making and implementing decisions creates the society we share,

Capitalism, Socialism, and the Extremes of Each:

It is capitalist when a person has control of their gifts. This is natural. In the extreme, capitalism is unfettered control by a person, not necessarily related to their gifts, and without regard to the community. Extreme capitalism would place everything under personal control, without community interference.

It is socialist when the community takes some control of the gifts of those comprising the community. In the extreme, socialism is full control by the community without regard to the person. Extreme socialism would place everything under community control.

The effect of extreme capitalism is a society as dark as one based on extreme socialism. Both extremes are a disgrace to the human spirit. When either capitalism or socialism substantially interferes with each person bringing their gifts to Life, society suffers greatly. We deserve the society we create.

What Can Go Wrong? (the extremes):

Under extreme socialism community control is absolute. Personal control is entirely denied. Community control over every area of Life, including religion, thought, raising children, relationships, employment, education, art, living conditions, and all other aspects, would be complete. Personal initiative and responsibility would be crushed. This becomes complete when community control of government breaks down. The government becomes separate from the community, and has total and final control, under extreme socialism.

Under extreme capitalism there is no control by the community.

Every square inch on earth would eventually be owned by persons.

Slavery, child labor, a 7-day work week, no minimum wage, and no workplace safety requirements, would exist.

Unlimited pollution of air, land, and water would be the norm.

Universal private toll roads would exist instead of public streets, roads, and highways. One would have to pay a toll to leave their own driveway.

Property rights would be unrestricted, with no zoning, no limits on noise, a 24-hour swap meet next door and a private dump or casino on the other side.

The privatization of rivers, lakes, watersheds, and other sources of water, including the ocean, would be complete.

There would be no public education, health care, police protection (only private security), fire protection, or military (only private militias).

There would be no national parks, nature preserves, local parks, free hiking or walking anywhere (except by the kindness of the landowners).

These are a few of countless dark possibilities that can happen in the total absence of community control. The privatization of everything would be complete and final, under extreme capitalism.


Instead of capitalism or socialism in the extremes, we have a blend of personal and community control. Control is shared. And it works.

Examples of community control include the following.

Slavery and child labor are abolished.

The 40-hour work week, paid overtime, a minimum wage, and equality and safety in the workplace are established.

Well water, rivers, lakes, watersheds, and other sources of water, including the ocean, are generally not privatized.

There are national parks, nature preserves, and local parks existing to benefit the community. Free hiking or walking almost anywhere is the norm.

Pollution of air, land, and water is constrained, and food is generally safe.

Property rights exist but they are not absolute. I cannot buy the home next to yours, demolish it, and put in a 24-hour gas station.

These are a few of many controls that benefit society. While personal control is cherished, community control prevails when it is in conflict with personal control.

Communities also provide amenities.

Public streets, roads, and highways exist.

Air traffic control and public airports enable safe and efficient air transportation.

We have public police and fire protection, and a national military.

We have public education. We have public and private health care that is quite safe.

Private education and health care are allowed and encouraged, but persons do not have monopolies on these elements of our society.

Some bank accounts are insured and stock exchanges regulated, by the community.

In some areas where flood insurance is not available through the private sector, like housing in hurricane zones, the community underwrites flood insurance through FEMA.

A full list of the benefits provided by the community would be endless.

Capitalism (personal initiative/control) benefits enormously from controls and provisions like these. I can send a 4-pound package of Paradise Fudge ( from California to New York in three days, for about $9. If there were tolls on every stretch of road between here and there, it could cost $40, with delivery in a week or two.

Our community, America, constrains the extremes of both capitalism and socialism.

A healthy society requires both personal control (capitalist actions) and community control (socialist actions). Common sense plans, benefitting the community, benefit capitalism as well.

It is a paradox that a free and vibrant society includes controls. We have a blend. It is a symbiotic relationship. Because our society is a mix of capitalism and socialism, it is limitless in vitality and possibilities. Each of us ought to be able to freely bring our gifts to Life, not being overly impacted, or restricted, by persons, or by the community.


In the last four years a huge tax cut went mostly to wealthy persons. It was important for the Senate to pass this tax cut before deciding on projects like improving health care and infrastructure. If health care improvements, or an infrastructure measure, had been decided first, the tax cut would have been deemed unaffordable. This was intentional consolidation of wealth for the persons involved, to the detriment of the community, and is an example of extreme capitalism.

Eliminating that tax cut for those making over $400,000 per year, is an example of community control. So are getting pandemic relief in place where it is needed, taking care of infrastructure, getting broadband to rural areas, working on renewable energy, education, improving health care, etc. There are many improvements that can be made enhancing our society. A better society means better possibilities for each of us.

There are a few people, on the fringes, who believe in extreme capitalism or extreme socialism. They are very much in the minority and probably do not fully understand what they are talking about. The overwhelming majority of us reject both extremes.

I hope this essay clarifies how blessed we are, that our community is not all one way or the other. Our freedom to make decisions personally is deeply held.

Please do not let the word “socialism” make you fearful, it is a fake grenade.

Until We Meet Again:

This is my gift, my capital, that I have been bringing to the banquet of Life every day for a month. Seeing the concepts, finding the words, striving to be concise, placing each word carefully in order, is a labor of love, which I am free to do in America. I am not under the thumb of either capitalism or socialism. I am writing this because I love our community, America, warts, and all.

The concept of building a “more perfect union” is easy to understand.

Our society is not perfect.

I am not feeble.

I can help make it better.

I hope you can say the same.

I hope this is simply put and easily understood.

I owe a special thank you to a cousin and a sister who provided the feedback that helped turn this essay from feeling like a winding dusty country road, into a scenic highway of sorts. If you liked it, please pass it around!

Billy Norris

November 14 — December 13, 2020



Billy Norris

Creative American, owner and Philosopher, theologian, hoping to help expand vision and to be a lantern in the darkness.